Here's the new storm of pictures and videos on social media, The big fat wedding of Bollywood actress Sonam kapoor's with Delhi based famous rich business man Anand Ahuja. These love birds tied a knot today in the presence of their family and dear one's. The most interesting part about every wedding is the outfits of everybody, gonna participate in the holy rituals of wedding. So, if we talk about Sonam kapoor' s wedding obviously the pretty and elegant outfits are normal to discuss. she opted for a traditional red and gold lehenga by the famous designer Anuradha Vakil. Sonam Kapoor’s unconventional choice will no doubt be remembered for years , and might even eventually give rise to a vogue of brides choosing vintage textiles over spangled sequins for their big special day. Anuradha Vakil is a noted name in textile design, So , Kapoor's wore her work for the mehandi celebrations as well. Kapoor’s bridal lehenga was accessori...